Staffordshire Newsletter from Stafford, Staffordshire, England (2024)

sii Seats air tt ai be booked ia adverse at Street, Tel. SUS I Ve: lll Poet Alma. Crockett's, Rides HOLIDAY TOURS irsusaay. Nth AUGUST 211.1.• Peron at ram Depart Market Square it. 06...

11.1111 0 8 ,1 Dep ledge WS PAL leidias Tour via Marisa Daayitas Depart Market Square 6.30 p.m. WEDNESDAY. tad BEPI'EMBEIt wia Chestier Depart Mutat Square 8.20 aim. 'um MO 41, IMP ill ISM 7i Oilawrito Dios Squsze SO SIS Works 4,10, Mrseirt Slum 435 Va. TaLlllll64 as larmant Mout Steam SLIMS lib PAL winsmas 41 411 1 efixiielliii SO.

II- Nat Lows iiTeb 1.15, 2441 aet cluara 2 00, and Roos limpet 2a 6UIkIDAT. Mk IlEillEukta sytairso mon isimpe Rot Eyelike Tear vls Wien and Mallet Deport Zdadeet Square 6.1 p.m. -I3 h. so 34 SA seats My be booked et ear istquitY C. 01501 bdson) T.

2997, where perueeJn eef up points sod deporture dram TES FfiIaNDLY MIDLAND 'RED' LOANSas VA TEI UMW IPUMPS IMAM St, LIMP UAW A UAW tioss a Ewa 1. C. NAM. IPA.I. 0.


61. SANDY. eriverors. Use add Dv Aucnori lerviers TREATY a bun aid SW ems Frame. Air itreig letU ai sm Till aw.

40111. arAI IWO PM oad NiSINIMB WEIL YOWL 0110111110ATI. Oftrbass agar tetlultile SWIM ALIIKIIK STMT. ausitsv tfolsohow MTN 'STUN MIER WOOLCOCK VALUERS, SURVINuttS 4. RARECIATB MUM Reny.

Ma ITAMPOILD ITAPIPOID 24)31 iat. al a i UP. asUPIP' AND WWTOREAYE Will' Make a Two. lawomiee IntalEinis NMI SrON VACANT 1101.111111101111 lar Doents. "lOW toisitt 5.114111450 wEirrosim.w.

lot. lIIIIVAPaIIO (oleassody AD. 44411 44, Di AD mom Scatord so iffoo Load. stow If GOON of 4 Eke ban alliereei astimiled NOM. NW.

I mows saini. aeons tiler Ow sail eletike MOONS OW. .0 1 01 eiesem aso cogokad NM al Memo coalmine of UPON tor am. Om box. etc NM I ede 61 art Yid ag me of is grootar.

Or lois as imp ID IS RIM 4 11 1 0 a tfii! one iftwass TIM owner PR OM" Mo. P. GAOL sada aisifrow (WM ag lee ow Maid Terme sal Gaol LK Wags 75 nob 410 .401001150 mobilSM sift flo poem is al ophosolffil I amil moll alieb apasimp. Wow Ws ciiii Ompidi. ego MO- des amp der! atimismir MI.

IMINENI Ilireboill Iler MIRA liana IPAXYAZOCK A. WOO 10 rustic atom to tit 4 71 1 .1 EAMTO Mini. et 7 Is Pit jelbat girded. 4P iligebas is Is 1. Num leoeses see elm.

U. Mob Stalked (Tel. 314)). sad es we swim; 1.411 "NMI Illegard (Tel. 31451).

eel el AttiOOSSMI Mow 4. Fameole Tel 201 (fro Alai a 11.011 umg ea wassim SIMmoRELD. STAFPCIap. imuasiaty morr. ao 1040 ca.

'Usual PIO d. nousteow mutieTtits 1 AIID UPC lOctodiat: A died cd dodo irk MOM Soil. molars Moil eft Downimal Clones ol Orimen, DUMP bide modems OW Ip.lrKb iiseder modess. lW Uss siki 'show Bedroom Claire, eat 411. Drimegg sub bow Woad Nantes Quit.

Dan Dow' SPd CURL embers Forma scsi and Divas arks. Windsor Club, Plow re legiodue LAMM miioolW Me Desk Cbalc. Was dbassrides Ord mi r.d. W. T.V.

Ibub did li firesdaS Sudsy Medd' Uissaile. Lodes. we. 1R04 1 01 ALE. FIX-Tuags eme re Nip Abe sort no.

areke of EIGUIEHOW 1 iiim ar saiket CsCuu mammas AND FPFECTS a. proisertif seetspet 0. MftUElI WDEIRILD. MAMIE GREW Om Deem re Cow 1 -4E I E. PusitiooE.

for lir Emmen al lie ha HALL a LLOYD. Mr id A AuofSf MIT. De. lONE COTTAGE. 14.


Muria Iwo' bedroom. laterecei W. H. HINTO 1 Emelleet Orin. Mir servkes.

Doemil. Can P4vIF4 MIRY. I Allilkilleta NW Doan Amok Made Tdegbese MD Ikeepeee nvi snacommar- Taimeaceis ropset EHErE MUT 'll. IMO Shoe Repairs MOUNT STIMET STAPFORD 4274 haw Farr Clas zvv noun FALK wow temesee, Nowa" QOUTH MOM 440 03030r0a r3P 'kb loomoolom tam law 0. M.

so Saal. Eft AUCThOW al TILLIDAY. 126. TIM VALUAItd motsEillaUP FUENITURE AND EFFIECTS moodOlio diselObileo loam do Loma Woe Row. MMus.

MM. Olt gm me 3 Dataooma MOOD' MOSIO addidoor, OM LiPis Ow. Oat Clam at Mama 4043 arm boodos. Oramltother io oat coos. CMapoodshe Sob Ooloimmod CMOON Oar.

Moe itiomioa of Arra gaikoomor 4 NAM Ism lobioirmoc. OM IMMO WM, diadvs. elmolor Oat Cora TOM. loam Pe3306 0111010.. Malsocke Limo Cooltoook Isdamida Woolietia OmMor Ti Wlmilbarmar, Omit.

Teri, sot Idober. fre. eft at I P. COMONdils Lisa dos Ascsissors. ISMS PERRY Mar irsamloo tem 00 1100 Of 00 100 Ms A WOOO.

wAcANT 0101011111004. 1111110000. 1110.1mig awl ltrammet lisamed awainclacd Dwain. Mar WTD MIAMOW CIPMN LANE. praftimot.

cocooned sei ad the sod adarthoo tbe Sollooloc ecoomoodoelopi lusty HMI olak oat Moor. DOM Joon dam s.ipor WAIN wallas. alual Room orldi oat Okla low. 101 MIAOW ilicsiani. toefir cam Coadroon.

3 good podososco2Colorent anima isatcon. resno. W.C. WNW ail, elk gate egradoe geogdo Orem Lex to mad frost It, egil lime area Gimp. Dtrilwrit iyour iat iksie 'Am SUS SY PVILSC urrusrottAa itt.

ou MONDAY NEXT. ASJOUST NIL al 4 la tbr a ransom teweertanaMobeerweilo from tbe Solicitors. News. NW Mom es hoe a Arcskaram. bob of Newport.

Mewelm' AmoagmoW 11411. NNW. IN4 STAMM NSWALSTIOI NAP trunme vr La RAW SAl4l3loodiSi frAPPORD liipissillosir 104 it I isoalpilk Is ovealag 1141111110111) (All with Posicssion) iar iu liar deakiesi lUtlistsa Lama. Stafford. opposite the Church in mike South ash the and W.

un i-ist two l.ect4to fnpsi usern Idoliiipi and Separate W.C. Built on Garage. Tool aid odd Garden. 1 LOT. 'aseisetivie modernised 'period cottage, known as Wi il ramplaw.

This ddightful sixteenth century cottat is itea lly sits i ted in a quiet grar 7sTasotat i al BLOcens, un Gti Uge ni thsti ni hated. LC' An unusually situated detached No. OSA, Quensavills, Stafford LOT S- TlicEpirty, which was origina ll a farmhouse occupies and comprises Living Room, Sitting Room, Kitchen, Two FUSlStart and W.C. Large Garden. LOT 4-- A ddightfully situated and modernised country cottage together with 3 acres of load Woodside.

Crestwood Moth, Creston Lon 1 and 3 be 2 Satuedll, 29tb August, between 10. a.m. and 4.90 para. Ole Sank House, Greengate, Stafford (Tel. 2426) also at Distnct Bank Chambers, High Green, Cannock (Tel.

2274 and at Conveys House, Albion Street, Rugeiey (Tel. 6 Further may be obtained from the Augtispoilir it their offices, as above or from the Solicitors concerned viz. as to Lots Paul Butters 7, St. Mary's Grove, Stafford. Lo 2 and 4-Messrs.

Fidgeting Pickering, Bank Passage, Stafford (Tel. 51151) also at Paris House, Market Square, Rugeley el), Uoyd Robinson, 6, I iehdeld Itoad; IWoW (Tel. 51382). '714' 4 41 14111108,,, omm.a. VW) 114 1 lit Walt Of ootanarraide ans ognoes Lounge, Pantry, Utility Room, Bathroom, W.C.

Three Bedrcomo, Garage. Various Outbuildings: Grassland. Large EVANS EVANS MOTOR COACIES Ltd. NEWPORT ROAD, STAFFORD AUG. Tel.

52196 a a nth. L3O p.m. Wet 1111160Ailib Aft. v. Fulham 4 9 24 p.m.

Waves Ceonnli of stand ticket 3 0 6.30 p.m. (Mkt. Sq.) Melamine Owen 3 7.30 p.m. Dancing at aildreinnede 3 II 30th, 8.30 am. Blackpool 13 I MD Lou Nottingham and el- seri aiw.

Moen Towers (Tennyson Read 1.16, Uganda Rend 1.411, cense 9.4 pos.) inc. I aisular Top.r (To Payson Reed 2.10, 1.01111114 i Read LIS, Mkt. Sq. 2.30 p.m.) II i AA dam (Mkt 8 4.) Circular Tour al ill i IL, 31st, 5.43 p.m. Aston Villa v.

Chelsea (hie. tickets available 4 4 Sept. 2nd, 545,1.10 pall. Wolves V. Leicester (inc.

tickets available) 6.10 p.m. Stoke C. v. Sheffield United (inc. tickets available) 3 I 3rd, 1.13 p.m.

Uttoseter Racesl3o p.m.. (Mkt. Sq.) Mosimere Green 3 0 FliL, 4 th, 100 a.m. ChesMr (Races, Zee, river etc.) C. 7.11 p.m.

111 6 6.30 p.m. (Mkt. Sq.) 3 6 BAT-. kb, 8.30 Blackpool Illumination (The 1 der at -) 13 111 4.t0 pat. Anna Ille v.

Blackings pap. oreliable) 4 11 1.45, 2.0 p.m. Wolves v. Areamd then lielkollo Stoke West Idein (inc. tickets nialiablo) 3 II hiegr in Green 3 0 at Newcastle II 141111.

5.341a.m. ine II 13 111, Wein ewers (1.40 iso. 7 11 Circubw To d. rri ll indaspoos 111004, MI 144 Reed. in pos.

Mkt. Sq. 30 1 6.111 p.m. (Mkt. Sq.) Clreuier Tour 3 BUD.

Otb, Lill pos. State C. v. Tottodlini II (kat. tickets available) Advance Notice-331 IllitethusUons --clutch Saturday and Suotily, Day Sept.

1 Illuatinadons (Blackpool v. Anon V. 14Vir nib 400 1 11" Sept. illth Lesden---Bleak White Minstrel Show Inc. 88.

El2th 13th Farnborough Air Dbplay 245. nth. Stones, inc. 12 6. 41 .2, Blom FIR Pr lade inc.

A. Tern lipwle of Britada Display. nns between the saw I yrs are chimed do ale teach farre). Tickets for beelines must be collected at SS" Isellaro lihe departure decs IL IMMO Anoboussii. Weis.

SOSO AIL arias see feteneet APIs THE PRIOSY. CONS Wee Mdli ERAVFOILD loam. socurmLt am seoLuivALL (uo. moirOars. STONE (Om.

THURSDAYS. irritChlAl ouneuzzo. MONDAY MKT. AUOUST SAL 1964 USUAL WILSELY RALE OF Noe FAT a 120 a gs FA? scoo Ne. 9m low Ilik til V.

tenreet et ljet: TOWS fiRITHPIELD. iskoluDAT art SEPT 3rd. PM tgligAL INONLY SALE or 184) zeirAir cArn E. MRS ing iv. ammo LOANS, IFATJ 1 as 50 eae woos PAIL sin WM.

este BSA al um" cALvss. egg esamem WPM assuiDAY. se. sossou.o. srata MEW 'Au' of 1200 "(l 1100 ac saiimm.

75 Bronx gam me issludes obi Mel alai La rink Wihoe. Valasece. Moms. Stew Mims; MM. Com.

Lads Solo. Ittassiw. Ihrese. Illsrulnkci, Swam. Cisbrv.

I Moms Wyk Allislok. Wishslam. ihen.lks." 0.1110110. Aseboorre. climmiller ad ewe ear sorer sea Nair Ira Imola PIP La.

Ode witb Eget kg A SATURDAY'. MST. llaa tse ism T. A. PARIS.

summix. STONE. 1720 GI 70 POULTRY. POUL7ILV APPUAIICES mei irsouleis Ilk. S.


Dog Demonstration 'Pop' Puppet 'Theatre. Pony Rides Refreshments, etc. Children 6d. miss Coagfigg STAMM" CiasSAGE. nunin axiom swamp HOLIDAY 4361118, 19464 AUGUST Demi liFoodseaves 9.30 aus.

atiosidl 9.13g 5 1 4 100 am. TORAIIIIIMT, SEPTEMBER Depart Stafford 8.15 a.m. Woodman, 8.30 a.m., Gewalt 8.40 a.m. 1101-r, emniest zoo oit Sd Woodsesves 10 Orinsall 18.10 IJII. ICIEDA.T, OE BLACKPOOL ILLUMINATIONS Fare Adults 131 ChEires Depot Woodseavet 8.50 a.m., C.MOISTI 8.40 SMEMI SAL AS tours will return from Bluttgoool 111 MO pa: 111411INDAY, SEPTEMIIIIR fiIIIONESFOItTI HILLS Dwagt Woodseaves 4.30 p.m., Gioia 4.40 p.m., Stafford 5.0 p.m.

TOURS o. BLACKPOOL os, sarrammeit ma -Mk 00BER Depart Woodaeaves 8.30 a.m., Gnosall 8.40 a.m., Stafford 9.0 a.m. and return from Bladcpool at apperocirriately 6 p.m. on Sunday. The acconutiodation" is good elms Boarding House, The Bon Accord, Sputh Shore, EackpooL The inclusive cost for this, from luncil an SaturdaY 9 tea on Stay is as Adults SP Gbadroa 12 yea.

dolour 0 ldron Mb IS All bookings for the two day tours must be made before lunch- One Ott Pant) GO Wednesday Pifer an las Saturday of akparture. MAIIERCI NOTICE.I4th Rirmingissmllippodrome 'My Fair i incloriva 22, DOOK AT YOUR LOCAL AGENTS Mrs. Joan, 13, Grosalields, Gnosall, Nr. Stafford. Gnosall 381 Mrs.

Hawkins, Five Ways, Ramon, Nr. Stafford. Seighford 205 Miss J. Qiff, Newport Road, Woodseaves, Stafford. Seaves 284 OR Phone: Britisis and CartalmMi Todd Dureau, Newport Road.

Stafford. Stafford G. H. Austin Sods Limited, Station Garage, Derby Street, Stafford. Safford G.

H. Austin Sons Limited, Stafford Street, Newport, Salop. 2214 G. H. Austin Sons, Limited, W'oodseaves, Stafford.

IrSeaves 231.261 STAFFORD AUTO CLUB present The Staffordshire Ilkitorese SCRitIVIBLE PIA HILL, SANDON ow SUNDAY, ISth 1-311 p.m. TWO IFEEKS ON SUNDAY ESto daft BICKERS. ERNIE DAVE ARTHUR LAPIPKIN, NOIRWOOD, PAT Many more to neat week's adverthoreent. A so alga 250 RAT 1411.114 RION sod 25 rAT 11,011 ael lOUS. 7 5 No sae lbw sir iassoota.

'alumna Arai 4111244 MOILTRV. .44446 1111141 1-20. 110111111 4 51V404. NUM I D. irAFroaD.

llRXT. sizr. ma. 14)0 c4Trus s. MS 0 4 44141111.

'et lee AMM 400 111. MON VAOANT IPOOMIMIOIC Megfiat. STAMM. dawn a swaps krerealoso Ups W. C.

Otri so SELL SY SWAMI on poI(DAY. SEEEMBER 40. el MAE HOWL. lIRAFFORD. WNW SILEJOOLD WO ISEADOWS dolor 'stow ow nibs bon men era.

ireurs ammo lisgrish cionst Wee mune. ch. RIM Mk sod do Cord. Myles so am of PI ACRES. 3 IMOSS, 3 PEACIMES illosigebou.

10. Aastiores. Soiaboon: Mom I. SWIM 01.11 ossl Goods. Ilblesst assona.

eiadwarat Olka: Sembig Sum. Puttees Crebobooo 211111 rr I.

Staffordshire Newsletter from Stafford, Staffordshire, England (2024)


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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.